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Interactive Programming Laboratory (Tanaka Lab.) is called IPLAB. We research and development the fields of softwares and Human Interface.
The student of IPLAB is organized with the graduate students in department of computer science, the undergraduate students in college of information sciences and in college of international studies, and the research students.
- 2013/11/19
The presentation M. Ono, B. Shizuki and J. Tanaka: "Touch & Activate: Adding Interactivity to Existing Objects using Active Acoustic Sensing" has won the Best Paper Award of at UIST2013. Λ details (Japanese only) - 2013/07/18
We have published a paper at UIST2013. Λdetails - 2013/08
We have published a paper at the Transaction of Human Interface Society. Λdetails - 2013/07/26
We have published eleven papers at HCI International 2013. Λdetails - 2013/07/18
We have published a paper at IV2013. Λdetails - 2013/04
We have published a paper at Transactions of IEICE. Λdetails