Japanese / English
The way to access IPLAB
The way to access IPLAB
How to find IPLAB -> Detailed Information
Location of Laboratory (Extention Phone Number)
Location of Laboratory (Extention Phone Number)
- SB1024 10th floor, Laboratory of Advanced Research B (Extension: 5165)
- 3E201 2rd floor, Dai San Area E (Extension: 5010)
- 3E107 1st floor, Dai San Area E (Extension: 5157)
Off-line mail, Telephone Information
Off-line mail, Telephone Information
- Address: 305-8573, IPLAB (Tanaka Lab), Graduate School of System and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba,
1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan - Telephone/FAX: 029-853-5165